Club Information
Rotary #43 P.O. Box 53, Pueblo, CO 81002
Pueblo 43

One Hundred Years of

We meet In Person
Mondays at 12:00 p.m.
Pueblo City-County Rawlings Library
100 E. Ariendo Avenue
Pueblo, CO 81004
United States of America
Pueblo 43 Facebook Page
Home Page Stories
The Pueblo Rotary 43 Foundation exists to apply the whole or part of the income and principal of the fund for charitable, religious, scientific, literary, scholarships, or educational purposes, either directly or individually, or by contributions to IRS 501c3 organizations. The Foundation board meets quarterly (March, June, September, December) and your request must be directed in writing to:

Pueblo Rotary 43 Foundation
PO Box 53
Pueblo, CO 81002

Please ensure that your request includes the following:
- On letterhead and signed by an authorized officer of the organization
- Specific monetary request, proposed purpose of funds, how funds will be spent
- IRS 501c3 status
- Other pertinent information for the board to review
The press release form is available for any club member responsible for a club activity who would like to publicize/promote a particular club event.  Find it at the bottom right of the web site.
1. The individual should fill in the form and may continue on to a second page as required to best describe the event.
2. The draft should be submitted as an attachment to email to the PR Committee at least two weeks in advance of the event's date.
3. The PR Committee will finalize the press release, with a copy to the originator of the draft prior to release for their review and agreement as to the content.
4. Draft press release forms should be sent via email to:
Linda Roof:
Todd Kelly:
Thank you for your cooperation.
Sponsor support of this website helps Pueblo #43 Rotarians keep up to date with important and changing information, along with access to vital club information. Additional sponsors will help to keep this site maintained and useful to our membership.  Only $5.00 per month to help sponsor the website!
Member Birthdays:
  • Elizabeth Gladney
    January 13
  • Vance Crocker
    January 14
  • James Martin
    January 22
  • John Vigil
    January 27
  • Brian Estrada
    January 31
Club Officers
President Elect
Immediate Past President
Board Member - Membership
Board Member - Service
Board Member - Public Relations
The Rotary Foundation